Sunday 14 November 2021

The Peacock 340

 There is a barb wire fence in the way, but  climbing through it unscathed seems easy enough. The grass is long, and fresh green from the spring rain.  It does appear to be a cabin, in the middle of this field.  There are windows on all sides, and a sheltered porch where the door is.  Aaron knocks' on the door.  There is no answer, and he gently pushes it open.  There is a strange, but not pungent musty odour.  And our eyes need time to adjust to the dim light..  There is a table in the middle of the small room, with a wooden chair, and a bed against the wall, that seems freshly made.  We exchange glances and Aaron says, "It would appear that this place is actually lived in, at least from time to time."  There is nothing adorning the bare wooden walls.  On the table, a kerosene lamp.

"I wonder who must be staying here", I say.   "This is very curious."

Now that I am better adjusted to the dark, I notice something on the table, next to the lamp, and a rectangle of  yellow brown paper underneath.  They are a wristwatch with a metal band, and underneath, an envelope.  Aaron picks up the watch and carefully examines it.  "This is interesting", he murmurs.  He turns it over and looks carefully at the back of the clock face.  He carries it to a window, for a better look with better light.  "This is really interesting", he says.

"What is it?"

"Come over and have a look at this."  A name is engraved in the metal.  Jan Vancoevorden.

"That is Carl and Melissa's family name", say I.

"It could be their father", says Aaron, who returns to the table and picks up the envelope.  Carefully he opens out, and out on the table drop two photographs....

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