Thursday 10 February 2022

The Peacock 423

 It hasn't been so hard after all to pull myself off the bed in order to use the bathroom , but I really do have to pee.  I don't know why I so often put off such a necessary, and should I say, pleasurable function.  I sometimes like to sit on the toilet and pee, but not tonight.  Too tired and too lazy.  I suppose I could spend more time on my teeth, after all those chocolate chips, and I likely should be flossing, but just a simple brushing, then off to bed.  And now, there is Francois, waiting outside the bathroom, his white towel draped over his arm, and his equally white smile just dazzling the air around him.  He looks so much happier already, just following the ordeal he escaped from.

"Already for bed, now?" he says, like an affectionate dad or mom, and against my will I respond smiling to his smile.

"Yeah, I'm pretty bushed."

"Me too, he says, passing me into the bathroom.  "See you at breakfast."

"Goodnight", say I as I hear the door close behind him.  Then I close my door behind me, my borrowed door to my borrowed bedroom, where Carl used to sleep when he was younger.  It doesn't take me long to strip down to my shorts and crawl into bed..  I pull towards me the novel, the Four-Gated City, but really cannot focus that well to read, so instead I am turning off the light, and thinking suddenly of Francois, his dazzling smile, and how much I am coming to like him.....  

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