Tuesday 22 February 2022

The Peacock 435

 Carol pours Sarah a cup of coffee, which she seems to prefer to drink black and unsweetened.

"Nothing in your coffee, dear?" Carol says as though purring like a very contented cat.

"I take my coffee the same way I like to take life?"  " says Sarah, though in her asking question tone, she doesn't appear to sound very sure of herself.

"Black and bitter?" she asks, still purring.

"I prefer everything to be naked and unadorned.  I always want to get to the heart of things."

"But don't you like to enjoy yourself?"

Francois says "The truth can be very enjoyable."  They are seated in a cosy triangle of chairs, as though they have always been one very happy and contained little high school clique.  Sarah appears to absolutely luxuriate in the presence of Carol, with a light little smile resting on her lips, her dark  eyes twinkling like twin stars in the firmament.

"We were talking about dreams", says Carol, "Or about Francois' dreams", while I begin pouring the sweet golden batter onto the sizzling butter that has melted to perfection. "Do you have dreams, Sarah?"

"Yes, and I had a real doozy last night."

"Oh Darling, you must tell us all about it", says Carol.

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