Monday 18 July 2022

The Peacock 580

 Glen and Sheila both come and sit down in armchairs, followed by Maureen, then Jeff, George, Jesús, Francois, Michael, Matthew, and Sarah, and Jenn, everyone except Carl.

"Where is he?" says Melissa testily.  She picks up her phone, presumably sending her brother a text.

"Where is his bedroom?" say I.  "I can go check."

"Thanks", says Melissa, "Second floor, first room on the left from the staircase."

I have not been yet to Carl's actual bedroom, and I feel a certain trepidation as I ascend the stairs.  The door appears firmly closed and I knock on it, three knocks.  I knock again, louder.  I can hear Carl mumble something.

"It´s Christopher.  Can I come in?"  I don't hear anything, so I open the door.  The room is dark because the curtains are drawn, on both of the tall windows.  It is a large, beautifully appointed room, and reminds me of a luxury suite in a high end hotel.  There are some lovely armchairs, a coffee table a desk, and on a wide double bed in the corner the inert form of Carl.  He lifts his head, and smiles wanly.

I am afraid of moving any closer from the door.  "The meeting's about to start.  Are you coming?"

"Oh, Christopher", he says softly.  "Come sit on the bed with me."

"How about if I open the drapes."

"Yes, please do..."

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