Tuesday 11 April 2023

The Peacock 845

 Oh darlings", you were simply divine!" rhapsodizes Matthew.

"I'm not sure if divne is the appropriate word here", says Melissa.  "But you both are very good at what you do."

"Not bad for a couple of Catholic priests", says Carl.

"You mean to say", says Amanda, "That you both are priests?"

"Yeah", says Jeffery, "We told you at lunch today."

"I must have forgotten."

"How did you guys find the time to rehearse?" says Sarah

"What else did you think we were doing spending so much time in our room together."

"And I am not touching that one with a barge pole", she says.

"Too late", says George.  "You just did!"

"what exactly does she do" says Carl to Naomi".

"She operates a resource centre for street and survival sex workers in the Downtown eastside."

"And what exactly is our relation to her?"

"Well, she is the daughter of your great grand uncle, and that would make her our first cousin three times removed, I think."

"I'll send her a text tonight..."

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