Saturday 17 February 2024

The Peacock 1152

 Carl has just arrived ahead of us in the apartment and is just making a big pot of coffee.  I don't know why I call this place an apartment instead of a condo, but really there shouldn't be a lot of difference.

"How's your mom?" say I standing next to him at the kitchen sink while pouring me a glass of water.

"She is breathing on her on now, but they still won't let me see her.  They really want to keep this thing from spreading.  But they said I could try again tomorrow.  Plus, I delivered the goods to your friend."

"Thanks.  Thirsty?"

"Don't mind if I do".  So I pour him and Francois each some water.  "How did it go with your Australian friend?

From the living room replies Francois", It looks like Chris and I have just been hired to work with him caring for the homeless."

"No way", says Carl.

"We're starting our practicum tomorrow", say I.

"Are you guys getting paid for it?"

"Yeah", says Francois.

"How much?"

"We didn't talk about that", say I.

"But you should always negotiate for the best possible offer."

"Um..." says Francois, "This is the kind of work that just cannot be done for the paycheque.  Plus, we are pretty far from broke, you know."

"True", says Carl.  "Very very true..."

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