Tuesday 4 October 2022

The Peacock 658

 Now we have all paused between mouthfuls, as if we have something rather more substantial to feed on and inwardly digest than the delicious food on our plates.  Francois has returned to his silent revery, letting his food grow cold on the arm of the chair he is sitting in.  I pick at my salad, a bit of red pepper here, and now a black olive, and then a green olive.  Altogether delicious.  This is one of the most substantial salads I have ever eaten.  There is cheese, black beans, tofu, broccoli, tomatoes, beautifully coloured cherry tomatoes, what looks like artichoke hearts.

"There's something else", says Francois, snapping me out of my pleasant little food revery.

There is something new about his tone and appearance that completely summons our attention.

"It is true what Adam said today about this place being under a curse.  The nurse who will be visiting tomorrow to give the covid injections is a relative of yours, Carl.  You must begin to engage with her at once.  She holds the key to breaking the curse.  And you are also wise to be concerned about your mother.  She will have plans for this house that you are going to find incompatible with the direction that God is leading you in.  Unfortunately you are going to have to stand up to both her and your sister, but we are also going to support you, isn't that right , brother Christopher."

Before I have a chance to agree or disagree, Francois continues, "By the way, who owns the house, just you?"

"Just me.  Melissa has to tow my line here."

"And so will your mother.  But stand up against her, stand up to them both."

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