Friday 14 October 2022

The Peacock 668

 But I still don't remember what happened back then.  Not exactly.  Just that I woke up alone in a hotel room. It was actually a nice place, none other than our own famous Hotel Vancouver.  I lay on top of the bed, which itself didn't appear to have been slept in  and I was fully clothed, but not in my womens' apparel, but in a white T shirt and blue jeans, and I was also wearing socks and there was a pair of sneakers by the side of the bed.  My dress, nor my high heels, were anywhere to be seen.  Then it dawned on me...I was not wearing my clothes, someone had exchanged my dress and heels for this boy's attire that didn't belong to me.  And my head was hurting rather badly.

There was a knock on the door.  "Yes", I shouted, my voice unusually hoarse.  Again there was a knocking on the door, it pushed open, and a young man dressed in a suit and tie came in.  He said he was the assistant manager, and said that a complimentary breakfast would be served for me in the restaurant downstairs.  And that Mr. Lindstrom would be waiting for me.  "Mr. Lindstrom?" I asked, but the young man left and closed the door behind him.  I was in no mood to have breakfast with any Mr. Lindstrom, and had already decided that I was simply going to leave.  On the way out, I did pass by the restaurant, which was in an open lobby lounge.  There he was, seated at a table further in.  He did not appear to see me, and he wasn't going to see me.  I went home...

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