Sunday 12 March 2023

The Peacock 815

 This just went on, day after day.  I don't remember really thinking about anything, but I did feel that I was being transformed through the process, especially the afternoons spent in the physick garden, and of course the boy's perpetual presence with me.  Then one day, in the library, I had a meeting with the boy and the elderly couple.  They were dressed as always in the tweeds of English country gentry, and the woman's white hair was as wild as ever, flying in all directions, as though energy was emanating from her head.  She asked me if I knew yet who they were.  I said no.  Then she said that they were representatives of the Millionth Council, an angelic hierarchy that is responsible for the wellbeing of our planet.  They said that I was abducted because I was about to rise to a pinnacle of fame as a stage and film actor almost never seen in the history of the stage and film arts.  That had I tarried a moment longer in that nightclub, I would have met and become the lover of a man who would see to my rise to fame, and they showed me in my mind, it was as though it was all unfolding before me as a film, but in my head somehow, that ten years later I would be playing a role in a science fiction trilogy of a master of worlds that would somehow influence an impressionable and highly talented young man from a family of wealth in a Middle Eastern country, and that this influence would facilitate his rise to power and tyranny that would unleash a whole chain of events that would see to global nuclear annihilation.  They had stopped me just in the nick of time, and that I would have to be somehow contained and confined for many years to come.  They also told me that I myself was a descendent of renegade members of their angelic hierarchy, also known as Nephilim, which meant that I held a lot of power that I was completely oblivious to...

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