Sunday 10 December 2023

The Peacock 1084

 "You will understand, Father Augustine, that I have already refused to meet with you people, but I thought that a little farewell chat just between the two of us would provide us with all the closure that we need."

"Do continue."

"It is about this matter of my chat two years ago, when I was just a freshly minted cleric, with a certain Rwandan gentleman at the abbey."

"He came to you for confession and absolution, it is understood..which you refused to him."

"I can explain."

"There is nothing to be explained, Father Francois.  The seal of the confessional."

"And I have already broken the seal."

"You what?  Listen, you cannot under any circumstances divulge to me anything that was said in the confessional  Do you understand.  You know the consequences."

"It is too late for that, Father Augustine  Right now I have you on speakerphone and my two friends here have already heard everything, and don't interrupt, I am not finished yet..." and here Francois voice begins to rise in an angry cadence, "That monster is a Hutu, and it turns out that he murdered my father, a Tutsi, during the genocide in 1994, and that he had the colossal gall to come for absolution, not for murdering my father or anyone else but for setting fire to the church they were all butchered and burned to death in and I told him to get out and that if he ever showed his face again that I would kill him myself, so there you have it father Viper, I have broken the seal of the confessional and I am automatically excommunicated from Holy Mother Church, and boy does it feel good.  Father viper, I have never felt so good in my life and now I can say to all of you and your pack of lying cowardly pedophiles, go fuck yourselves and may you all burn forever in the lake of fire!"

"Father Francois", he protests feebly...


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