Saturday 16 December 2023

The Peacock 1090

 Francois stares at us blankly, then with an anguished face says, "Carl, please forgive me."

"For what."

"For being so wrapped up in myself and my own small issues that I didn't even give you a moment to say what kind of day you had, especially with your mother and her friends suddenly in hospital.  How are they?"

"I wouldn't worry about it, Francois", he says.  "What's happening to you is also pretty significant.  I mean you have just lost both your job and your church."

"It isn't that bad.  I am trying to be rational about everything."

"You are very good at that", say I.

"It's almost like living with Spock", says Carl, grinning.

"Spock?" says Francois.  "Who is that?"

"Oh, never mind!"

"He's the Vulcan character on Star Trek", say I.  "All reason and logic.  But doesn't feel emotions."

"I think I've heard of him."

"You've never watched Star Trek?" say I.

"Heard of it."

"Okay, says Carl, "After dinner we are all going to see an episode or two."

"How are they?" says Francois, "Your mother and her friends..."

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